2 thoughts on “IRONY: “Ah, I kid the slave states . . . NOT!”

  1. Well, one obvious difference is that the Second Amendment guarantees my right to own a gun. I don’t recall an amendment, or any right, to a welfare check. Receiving aid is largely on the terms of the donor….

    Just some facts for you.

    • Dearest Mr Dunning-Kruger,

      No, as a matter of FACT, the Second Amendment DOES NOT, and never did, guarantee you the right to own a gun. If, by chance, you ever actually read the Second Amendment, you will find that it gives a “well regulated Militia” the right to bear arms, NOT an individual. However, on June 26, 2008, the Supreme Court, in the District of Columbia v. Heller decision, did actually give you the right to bear arms.

      To recap, the Second Amendment DOES NOT, and never did, guarantee you the right to own a gun; the 2008 Supreme Court decision of District of Columbia v. Heller guarantees you the right to own a gun.

      Just some facts for you!

      In Reason,

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