EVOLUTION: “Republicans are Devolving; Shocking, Shocking I Tell You!”

EvolveRepublicans are Devolving

According to Pew Research, there’s a widening gap between Republicans and Democrats on the issue of evolution:

In 2009, 54% of Republicans and 64% of Democrats said humans have evolved over time, a difference of 10 percentage points. Today, 43% of Republicans and 67% of Democrats say humans have evolved, a 24-point gap.

Pew says that there are no similar shifts in other demographics. Racially and religiously we’re pretty much where we were five years ago. That suggests that people who find the evidence for evolution compelling are leaving the Republican party.

h/t: unreasonable faith
h/t: Planet Atheism

3 thoughts on “EVOLUTION: “Republicans are Devolving; Shocking, Shocking I Tell You!”

  1. There are two possibilities here.

    Either Republicans are being convinced of creationism. Or scientifically literate Republicans are leaving the party.

    The fact that the overall numbers remain unchanged suggests that people are not being convinced to adopt creationism. Rather, scientifically literate Republicans are abandoning the party.

    That is not necessarily bad news.

    • Alonzo,

      Thank you for your comment!

      I have been an admirer of your work since well before I first linked to one of your essays titled, “Respecting Reality” on 08.26.2011 about a month after the inception of “Always Question Authority.”

      I have a great interest in Ethics and Moral philosophy. If only the ignoramuses had such an interest in distinguishing between good and bad verses right and wrong. They would then be shocked to see that their beliefs are neither ethical nor moral.

      In as much as the increase in the devolution of Republicans is concerned, I imagine the statistically curious would likely find a direct, positive correlation between the popularity of the Astroturf “Tea Party movement,” that began, coincidentally, in 2009, and the devolution of the Republicans.

      I look forward to any future comments you find time to share.

      In Reason,

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