PROGRESSIVE INDEPENDENT JOURNALISM: “Bernie Sanders Destroys Christian Bigot During Confirmation Hearing” / The Young Turks / Ana Kasparian, and Grace Baldridge ☮

During a recent confirmation hearing Senator Bernie Sanders took a Trump nominee to task for bigoted comments about Muslims.

PROGRESSIVE INDEPENDENT JOURNALISM: “Larry Hamm: History is the Present” / RT America / On Contact with Chris Hedges ☮

On this week’s episode of On Contact, Chris Hedges is joined by Larry Hamm, Chairman of the People’s Organization for Progress. They discuss the history of oppression of African Americans in the U.S. and the relentless struggle for racial equality.

POLITICAL COMMENTARY: “Midnight in Paris (on the Damn Doomsday Clock)” / Liberal Redneck / Comedian, Trae Crowder ☮

We done screwed the pooch with this Paris Climate shit yall. I would say Trump’s fiddlin while the world burns but it ain’t no way he can work a fiddle with those stupid tiny baby hands. Anyway we all gone die. Love ye.