WHITE-WING CONSERVATIVE CHRISTIAN RACISM: “Sarah Palin Doesn’t Understand What Black Lives Matter Means” / The Young Turks / Cenk Uygur ☮

Sarah Palin is on the warpath against Black Lives Matter. She’s sure they’re not peaceful, but rather violent thugs and rioters. Cenk Uygur, host of The Young Turks, breaks it down. Tell us what you think in the comment section below.

“Former vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin once again took aim at Black Lives Matters protesters Sunday, calling them “thugs” and demanding the media “quit claiming that these rioters are people.”

In an interview on radio show “Breitbart News Sunday,” the former Alaska governor argued that the Black Lives Matter movement is in part responsible for the actions of a lone sniper (who was not affiliated with the peaceful movement) who fatally shot five police officers in Dallas last week.

“They’re not protesters,” she said. “These are thugs. They’re rioters. And yeah, I’m calling out the media, saying quit claiming that these rioters are people. They’re stomping on our flag, figuratively and literally, shouting death to cops, celebrating violence.”

Her use of “thug” isn’t without racial connotations. Many argue that it’s merely thesocially acceptable version of the N-word, and some members of the media have vowed not to use it.

WHITE-WING CONSERVATIVE BIGOTRY: “Racist Bigots and Misogynists: The Extent of Trump’s Voter Base” / The Ring of Fire / Farron Cousins and Chauncey DeVega ☮

There’s no denying what kind of people support Donald Trump, so it’s time to start calling them what they are: Racists. But still, there seems to be so few in the media willing to tell it like it is. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins and political analyst Chauncey DeVega discuss why it’s so important to call these Trump supporters what they truly are.

CHRISTIAN WHITE SUPREMACY: “Donald Trump Receives Second KKK Endorsement” / The Lip TV / Nik Zecevic, and Melvin Robert ☮

Virginia’s KKK “Imperial Wizard” endorsed Donald Trump during a sit-down interview with WWBT. According to the Imperial Wizard, “The reason a lot of Klan members like Donald Trump is because a lot of what he believes in, we believe in. We want our country to be safe,” he said. Trump previously received support for former KKK leader David Duke in January. Nik Zecevic, and Melvin Robert take a closer look at Trump’s growing white supremacist following on the Lip News.

BEHAVIORAL PSYCHOLOGY: “What the Malheur Occupation Teaches Us About Masculinity” / The Huffington Post / Susan M. Shaw ☮

DunceWhile the folks who illegally occupied the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge claimed to want to overthrow the tyranny of the federal government, they seemed quite willing to leave the tyranny of patriarchy unquestioned. Their actions and organization can teach us a lot about how patriarchy works.

From the beginning, the men who occupied the refuge engaged in macho posturing with their display of guns and their blatant disregard for the law, the environment and the communities around the refuge. These are not successful men as traditional masculinity requires them to be. Many of them don’t hold down regular jobs. Several have declared bankruptcy. Many have criminal records, from felony driving with a suspended license to second degree murder. Most left their families elsewhere in order to parade around with guns and wreak havoc on a remote wildlife refuge. They have felt powerless in their struggles with the federal government.

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